About the Blog Name

Raconteur is another word for story-teller. In Jueteng (a Filipino number game of chance), 11 is a number for soul. So literally, The Raconteur 11 means The Storyteller's Soul.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


By Lady in Green

Have you ever look at a beautiful view and describe it as 'breathtaking'? There are lot of that here in my hometown. Using only my cellphone camera, I took some shots.

The Sunset
Not all country in the world can see the sunset. Some people are willing to spend thousands traveling just to watch it, here, it's a common view.

The Mayon Volcano 
The twin of Mt. Fuji in Japan, Mt. Mayon is also a common vision here. Many tourist fly to Bicol just to see it personally, sadly I observe, Uragons tend to take it for granted.

The Green/Gold Rice fields 
The transformation of color of green fields to gold. The change of smell from mud to food. When you're here you'll say 'how amazing God created the world.!' 

Our way home is a never ending green fields. I've tried spreading my arms while I'm riding a bicycle then I  realize 'one can fly even without wings!'

The Blue Sky 
When I feel down, I always look at the blue sky (starry sky at night). Then I'm relaxed cause at that time when I looked up I realized----HEAVEN IS NEAR.

...and The Trees
I have read somewhere that Trees are proof that a God certainly exist.

...see! even a dead tree never lost its beauty!

The earth is changing, I know urbanization will soon reach our place. The visions I see now will inevitably fade. But I can always choose to make still images of them ...and along with memories, I'll treasure them in my heart forever.

A view to be beautiful need not be breathtaking, making you continue breathing is enough.-Lady in Green

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