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Raconteur is another word for story-teller. In Jueteng (a Filipino number game of chance), 11 is a number for soul. So literally, The Raconteur 11 means The Storyteller's Soul.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


I wrote this poem on August 11, 2009, supposedly the 81st birth date of my grandmother. I was reviewing for my board exam then  and due to my not so good pre-board results I am feeling so low and all I just wanted was to talk to her. 

It's your birthday, I wish you're here...
To comfort me and say 'God is always fair'.
To make me feel that I'm the best, coz' I'm in my weakest,
I'm doubting I'll pass (the board exam) and afraid I won't make it.

It's your birthday, I wish you're here...
We will celebrate, just like last year.
Everybody will come to treat, we will sing, dance and eat!
But now all I can offer is this simple gift.

It's your birthday, I wish you're here...
I'll pay the tune like what you always wanted to hear.
We will sing Silent Night to make everyday like Christmas,
But it's too different, it's not the same at it was.

It's your birthday, I wish you're here...
I wish you are happy, don't worry grandpa is okay.
But, I can feel how much he misses you, like the way I do,
How much he was hurt, when he let you go.

It's your birthday, I wish you're here...
I wish I can hug you, kiss you and say how much I love you.
And what hurt so much is the fact that it'll be long to again see you...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY 'LA...I wish you're here.
But I know, you're more happy now THERE.